Our purpose

We build and protect our clients' financial dreams.

Our purpose

We build and protect our clients' financial dreams.

Our purpose

We build and protect our clients' financial dreams.

Our purpose

We build and protect our clients' financial dreams.

Momentum Group Africa's board of directors

Momentum Group Africa is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance, as evidenced by its ongoing efforts to comply with the principles of King IV, including the composition of its board. Our board of directors bring a wealth of experience and expertise in driving business growth across the continent and are reputable business leaders in their own right.

Lulama Booi

CEO: International

Academic qualifications:

CA (SA), IPED (Fordham University), TGM (INSEAD), Alt-X DIP (IoD)

Peter Tshiguvho

CEO: Metropolitan Life

Academic qualifications:

BA (Psychology), MBA, CFP

Dumo Mbethe

CEO: Momentum Corporate

Academic qualifications:

BCom (Accounting and Information systems), B Com Hons, CA (SA), AMP (Harvard)

Kudakwashe Mudzengi

CEO: Momentum Group Africa

Academic qualifications:


Phillip Matlakala

Non-executive Director of Metropolitan International

Academic qualifications:

BJuris, BProc Programme in Taxation Financial Planning

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